Simple Tips You Need to Print Your Book

Welcome to Atlanta Book Printing a division of Premier Graphics & Communication we are an established book printing company for over 28 years. We’re here to help independent writers and authors print beautiful quality books.
Create professional quality books for your friends, family, your business, fans of your writing, prospective readers, and yourself.
A Print-Ready Book Cover
Print book covers are not easy to design correctly yourself, admitting you need a little expert help print your book isn’t defeatist. Hiring a designer by trade will help you focus on the things you are better at doing and feel more confident with, such as writing and editing your book.
Your print cover will contain the front cover, back cover, and spine. It will be sized specifically to your trim size and page count; these numbers should be shared with your designer. Atlanta Book Printing can also help with the sizing to make sure your book is perfect.
The book file needs to be high-res-at least 300 dpi. This will help the cover to be crisp and vibrant. Fonts should be embedded, and only certain fonts should be used. Your printer may specify a bleed measurement if your cover artwork is intended to go to the edge of the cover. The last thing you will need to keep in mind is your (ISBN) it is a national and international standard identification number for uniquely identifying books it will be printed on the back page of your book.
Format the Interior File
When you submit a book to a printer, you submit two files: the cover and the interior. The interior file usually a PDF, is a designed version of your manuscript. We can help we can help walk through the setups. Upload to us via email or using our sharefile and voila, your book is on the way to being printed.
Decide on the Book’s Trim Size
Trim size is essentially, the size of your book. Different trim sizes will have different costs. The bigger the book, the bigger the printing cost. Common sizes for paperbacks include 5.5×8.5, 6×9, 4.25×7, and 5×8. Other than cost, how do you choose the right trim size? Your trim size should also reflect the genre or type of book, a children’s picture book has a larger trim size, while historical romance or YA could be smaller, mass market size.
Make an Aesthetic Decision
Do you want a gloss, matte, or pearl cover? Coated heavier papers are usually used for printing covers and dust jackets, gloss coverings can make colors appear crisp and vivid, matte coverings can give a more contemporary feel. White or cream interior? Duplex or single cover? Each will have separate requirements and potentially different pricing.
Request a Proof
Always, always, always, request a proof of your book. There is nothing more disheartening than receiving a box of books at your front door, only to find there’s now a glaringly obvious spelling mistake. Or that the color on the cover doesn’t look right. If something is not right on the first proof, we want you to be able to make the adjustments needed.
Atlanta Book Printing would love to talk to you about your project and share our recommendations for how to print a book. This is a big advantage to working with us, here locally. We will also be able to advise on a suitable paper stock as well as provide proof copies for you to assess.
If you are not sure about something, don’t be afraid to ask-we will be more than happy to share our experience on how to get a book printed, helping you achieve the best result for your book.
You can contact us here.