Create An Effective Training Manual

Training manuals are necessary for Employee Onboarding, training on new technology or processes, for general learning and development purposes. Training Manuals have one clear purpose, to help employees do their jobs better. You can generate 24% Higher Profit Margins if you invest in training and reference guides. Custom-printed manuals are the perfect solution for sharing complex information in one easy-to-use document.
Structure Your Training Document
- Introduction: A snippet of what your training manual will cover
- Instructions: How people should use the training manual
- Content: The bulk of your manual, tasks and processes
- Follow-up steps: Any tasks or steps that need to be completed in subsequent order
- Resources: Any supplementary material or other helpful documents
Create The Content
- By Type of Task: Group processes by type of task or by team roles
- By Most Important Processes: Start with the most used or important processes, then move on to less important ones
- By Order Tasks Should Be Completed: Start with the precise order of tasks, continue through subsequent tasks in order
Premier Graphics & Communication has learned a thing or two printing manuals in the last 25 + years.
Here are our recommendations for building manuals that last:
CHOOSE A DURABLE BINDING: You want your audience to return to your manual whenever they have a question, so make sure it’s printed to last. We recommend protective covers, sturdy spiral coil, or ringed binders
that will prevent tabs and page corners from getting bent.
MAKE IT EASY TO NAVIGATE: The more complex your document, the more overwhelming. Use tabs with custom text or color-coded slip sheets to make it easy for everyone to get on the same page.
UPGRADE TO COLOR WISELY: Save money by on-demand printing only sections in color, such as pages with graphs or illustrations. The rest of the manual can be black-and-white, giving you more of a budget to work with.
MIX UP PAPER STOCK: Make a point of your topics, by using different paper stocks. For reference sections, use a sturdier stock i.e. non-tear or water-resistant paper, while offering worksheets or eval forms in tear-away perforated pages.
Whether you need a few training manuals or thousands Premier Graphics and Communication is here to meet your needs.